Building Product Information Sheets
Detailed sheets including relevant building code compliance for our spouting, fascia and downpipes systems & products.
Under Building product information requirements, specific details must be provided to consumers for designated building products.
Our Building product information sheets (BPIS) cover our full systems and each individual component of our Fascia, Spouting and Downpipe systems. Scroll down the page, to view and download our BPIS information.
Continuous Group – BuiIding Product Information Sheets
Chief Spouting System & Components
Picture: Chief Pre-Painted Metal Spouting System
Quartz Spouting System & Components
Picture: Quartz Pre-Painted Metal Spouting System
Big Chief Spouting System & Components
Picture: Big Chief Pre-painted Metal Spouting System
Cube 125 Spouting System & Components
Picture: Cube 125 Pre-painted Metal Spouting System
Halo 125 Spouting System & Components
Picture: Halo 125 Pre-painted Metal Spouting System
Halo 150 Spouting System & Components
Picture: Halo 150 Pre-painted Metal Spouting System
Archie 120 Spouting System & Components
Picture: Archie 120 Pre-painted Metal Spouting System
Texan 175 Spouting System & Components
Picture: Texan 175 Pre-painted Metal Spouting System
Cube 175 Spouting System & Components
Picture: Cube 175 Pre-painted Metal Spouting System
Cube 300 Spouting System & Components
Picture: Cube 300 Pre-painted Metal Spouting System
140 N-Line Fascia System & Components
Picture: 140 N-Line Pre-painted Metal Fascia
180 N-Line Fascia System & Components
Picture: 180 N-Line Pre-painted Metal Fascia
180 S-Line Fascia System & Components
Picture: 180 S-Line Pre-painted Metal Fascia
180 R5 Fascia System & Components
Picture: 180 R5 Pre-painted Metal Fascia
80mm Downpipe Systems & Components
Picture: 80-FS Pre-painted Metal Downpipe System
100mm Downpipe Systems & Components
Picture: 100-FS Copper Downpipe System
Rectangle Downpipe Systems
Picture: FS-75x55 Pre-painted Metal Downpipe System